Archive | November, 2011

Healthy Nibbles: Mark Bittman Edition

28 Nov

Heavens, where has the time gone?! It’s been EONS (well, several weeks) since the last edition of Healthy Nibbles and to be quite honest, it will likely still be a few more until the next. What can I say, life happens – my apologies (for the gap in entries of course, not for life happening). Regardless, with the holidays just around the corner, I thought it only appropriate to get into the spirit of the season and actually SHARE something.

That being said, since I’ve been unable to hunker down and share my own two cents about recent health and nutrition news, I thought it would be just as charitable to share the ideas of others.

This week, I’ve selected Mark Bittman’s 2007 TED Talks discussion on what’s wrong with our current way of eating. If you haven’t already read his book, ‘Food Matters,’ I’d suggest picking up a copy, if for no other reason than to get your hands on a few easy recipes. Who doesn’t enjoy learning a few extra tricks in the kitchen? But if you have the time to actually read the book, it’s worth the extra effort. For me, ‘Food Matters’ was my first exemplar of truly ‘functional’ knowledge transfer.  That is, its ideas are not only communicated in an easy-to-understand way, but also given practical application within a day-to-day context. After all, we can talk until we’re blue in the face about the scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of different types of foods, but it means absolutely nothing if people don’t even know what to do with these foods once they get them in the kitchen.